How to Use InslusiveDocs in 2024: Guide for All Users

How to Use InslusiveDocs in 2024: Guide for All Users

Navigating InclusiveDocs With Confidence

InclusiveDocs is an AI-powered platform that offers the most advanced inclusive document remediation and accessibility for everyone. Below, we’ll cover the process of using it every step of the way.

InclusiveDocs is a platform that focuses on changing the digital content landscape and making it accessible to everyone, with a particular focus on people with disabilities. It was founded in Canada in 2007 by a group of tech enthusiasts ready to change the world and has been operating for over 15 years.

The team of experts at InclusiveDocs uses advanced technologies such as AI to extract content from complex files that are difficult for screen readers to decode. Their tireless efforts and dedication have made it possible to ensure that everyone, regardless of their ability, can access and enjoy digital content.

Read on, as we’ll show you how to use InclusiveDocs, its features, and every mode this platform offers.

While many accessibility platforms offer to test your document and to show where you can enhance your document manually, InclusiveDocs offers complete remediation using AI and other sophisticated methods. Besides the guide for InclusiveDocs, we’ll show you how to upload your document and use the bookshelf, the enhancement tool, and other platform components.

Steps for Using InclusiveDocs

  1. The first step for using InclusiveDocs, just like every other platform, is signing up by filling out the form with the standard personal information.
    Signing in starts with visiting InclusiveDoc’s website and clicking Sign in.

     This image contains a logo from InclusiveDocs, a navigation bar, a sign-in and sign-up button, book a free demo button, download our Vpat button, a caption: Accessible Digital Document Solutions, and a video from InclusiveDocs that showcases the platform.

    InclusiveDoc’s website

  2. Clicking sign-in will take you to the Login page, where you can access InclusiveDocs. It gives you the standard options for login with your email and password. There is also an option in case you forget your password so you can reset it and an option to ask a question if there’s an issue.

This image contains a person's hands holding a tablet with a screen, a prompt with email and password for login, and an option in case of forgetting your password.

You can Log in on the page of InclusiveDocs very quickly by entering your personal information like email and password.

  1. After the user logs in, it will take them to the branded app, with a main menu on the left side. The user can choose from publishers, and a credits icon that notifies the user how much money they have for upload.

This image contains a main menu of branded apps where users can find many options, including publishers, an icon for credits, titles, issues users, etc.

InclusiveDocs has a branded app site with many options.

The titles exist so users can group their issues and different publications inside. InclusiveDocs has this feature so that users can choose within the titles straightforwardly and quickly.

This image contains a main menu with a few settings such as publishers and credits, branded apps, titles, issues, users, and help and support. There are also a few different titles shown from other clients. Each of them has a button called “view title.”

InclusiveDocs has a unique title menu where users can preview titles in which different issues and other publications exist.

 This image contains a main menu with a few settings such as publishers and credits, branded apps, titles, issues, users, and help and support. There is a details option, settings options and issues. The details screen depicts a title name, number of issues, last update, last issue added, a button that says go back to the legacy portal; Go to bookshelf button, title cover & link and a submit button.

The details screen is from where the users can go to the bookshelf.

One of the settings here is the details screen. The starting point will take the user to the bookshelf by simply pressing the button Go to Bookshelf.

How to Navigate through InclusiveDocs’ Bookshelf

The next platform component is the Bookshelf, where the publisher can see their titles and all issues inside the tags. The access to each setting is simple, and the user can navigate through it quickly.

The bookshelf has a sophisticated and robust design so users can see their titles and issues. Every publisher has an “about publisher” description and social media networks so users can share it. The menu is on the left side, previewing the recent issues. There is also a button, “titles,” on which you can see your latest titles in your branded app.

Under the latest issues, there is also a language option, date, and issue description. On each of the latest issues, there is a preview of a few pages on the issue so the user doesn’t have to open it, or they can list only a few pages. Last but not least, the title screen also includes a return button, allowing users to navigate back to the title screen.

The bookshelf is feature-rich and intuitive, with clearly labeled buttons that cater to the needs of different clients.

This image depicts a bookshelf containing the latest titles. It also includes a preview of the issue, a button to read it, and two pages from the title. Additionally, there is a caption for recent issues and a preview from a previous issue. On the left side of the image, you can see the Inclusivedocs logo, a publisher description, and social media links where they can share their issues. Lastly, there is an alt description for the image. Let me know if you need any further assistance.

InclusiveDocs offers a robust and sophisticated approach that highlights and provides the correct information so every client can be educated and easily navigate the platform.

Issue’s Screen Features and Navigation

We previously discussed the bookshelf feature, which allows users to access various issues. We will explore the issues screen in more detail to better understand its functionality.

 This image contains a main menu with a few settings such as publishers and credits, branded apps, titles, issues, users, and help and support. There are also a few different issues shown in a selected title. Each of them has a button called “manage.”

InclusiveDocs has an issue screen where users can display a comprehensive list of all the issues associated with the client's title. This allows easy navigation and management of any client issues in a title.

When users click the "issues" button, they will be taken to a screen displaying all the available issues. This screen is divided into two parts. The right side displays the issues themselves, with each issue shown with a preview (including a thumbnail), publication date, and a button for managing the issue (which we'll discuss later) in a selected title.

Meanwhile, the left side contains the main menu, which includes options for browsing through different titles, accessing issues, and adjusting general settings. This menu is the same as the one found on the details screen.

How to Add a New Issue

If users want to add a new issue, they can simply click the '+' sign and upload it under the corresponding title.

This image shows an issue screen that has buttons for managing issues and options for adding new ones. The screen also features thumbnails of existing issues. On the right side of the picture, there is a menu for adding new issues. This menu includes options for selecting a file, using an auto-linking tool, and providing an issue name, a title, and a publication date. There is also an option to save the changes made. On the left side of the image, there is a main menu that includes publishers, branded apps, titles, issues, general settings, and credits.

Unlike other accessibility tools, the issues screen allows users to add a new issue to the title.

Users can add new issues on the issues screen, which sets this accessibility tool apart from others by offering additional customization and flexibility. To add a new issue, users can choose the "Select file" option on the right side of the menu. Additionally, users can utilize the "Auto Linking Tool" to add links to their PDFs, a customizable option that can be turned on or off based on user preferences.

This tool helps escape manual linking during document remediation. Additional features are showcased on the right menu. The last feature on this screen is the manage button, which users can use to select and choose an issue.

Managing Issues

On the screen, there is a set of features related to issue management. These features include options to replace the issue with a PDF, access enhancement tools through a button, and check the issue's status to see if it is optimized. Additionally, the screen displays general information about the issue, including its name, publishing date, upload date, and description. In order to submit the issue, there is a submit button. The main menu on the left is the same as in previous steps.

You can easily manage issues on InclusiveDocs and replace them by uploading a PDF.

When the user clicks on "Manage," they are taken to a screen where they can customize different features for the issue. Let's explore the accessible options:

  • Users can check where the issue was published (web, mobile, etc);

  • Users can view and read the issue;

  • Users can replace the issue with a PDF;

  • Users can reoptimize the downloaded issue by selecting the buttons below "go to the legacy portal.”

  • Users can also find all the information related to the issue, including its publication date, upload date, and description.

In addition to these features, a button will take you to the Enhancement tools. We will discuss that further in this blog post.

Enhancement Tools for Improved Accessibility

Enhancement tools include features that improve document accessibility and enrich PDFs, such as adding links, embedding videos, and custom HTML or GIFs.

This image depicts a screen containing enhancement tools, such as the ability to add links, GIFs, videos, and custom HTML. The menu housing these settings is located on the right-hand side of the image, while the pages of the PDF are visible on the left.

InclusiveDocs' main feature for providing accessibility is the Enhancement tool, which enriches the PDF with links, gifs, videos, and custom HTML.

Besides the settings on the right side, you’ll find a preview from the PDF on the screen's left side.

Regular Mode or Screen Reader Mode?

When the user clicks on the "view issue" option, a convenient and user-friendly popup window for reader accessibility appears. This window ensures that all users, regardless of their physical abilities, can easily access the content. If the issue is accessible, the user can view it in regular or screen reader mode from within the accessibility popup. This feature enhances the overall user experience by providing all users with a safer and more inclusive environment.

The image depicts a screen with the InclusiveDocs logo and a template displayed on a device. A pop-up window appears on the screen, providing accessibility information to the user. The user can choose between two modes to view the content - regular mode or screen reader mode. Additionally, there is an option to check the popup so that it doesn't appear the next time the user chooses a mode.

One of the features of the InclusiveDocs platform is the option for users to choose between regular mode and screen reader mode when viewing an issue.

Regular Mode Screen

The regular screen mode or the classic view is intended for an enhanced reading experience where the user can read the PDF, go to a specific page, and return to the very beginning or to the page where they stopped reading. There are also some additional settings like crop, search, and access directly in the title where the user can find the issues, download a PDF, print a PDF, and the ability to see the PDF in full-screen mode.

This image contains the InclusiveDocs portal with a preview from thumbnails of different publishers, the standard main menu on the left with the same settings adding Publishers a screen with the PDF, and a preview from all pages where the user can view their doc.

InclusiveDocs Regular Mode has many options that are a perfect fit for digital content remediation for accessible education, healthcare, governmental institutions, digital publishers, and many other industries.

The Classic View enables users to view digital documents in their original format, with added accessibility tools and enhanced functionality. It features various controls, such as bottom thumbnail navigation and zoom, that can be used across multiple platforms.

The last step for the user is clicking the motion button to take them to the reflow mode.

Reflow Mode

This image contains a reflow mode screen with some settings for learning disabilities, such as text size, letter case, line height, font style, padding, and background. The button incorporates text-to-speech technology; the user can change pages by clicking the arrow.

InclusiveDocs has a reflow screen with different settings, which are great for learning disabilities such as dyslexia, other visual impairments, and colorblindness.

The reflow mode screen is a fantastic feature of the reader that is particularly helpful for individuals with learning disabilities such as dyslexia, then for visual impairments, and color blindness. This feature allows users to easily adjust various settings such as padding, text style, background color, font, line height, and letter case. The button also incorporates text-to-speech technology and allows pages to be turned with the arrow button.

Screen Reader Mode

This image depicts a screen reader mode with various settings for printing or downloading a PDF file. The image shows options to search or share an article. Additionally, there is an option to have the article read aloud via text-to-speech technology. There are also options to navigate to the next or previous article.

The screen reader mode is the most essential feature for accessibility, and InclusiveDocs successfully incorporated this mode into the platform.

From reflow mode, the user can switch to screen reader mode. This mode utilizes cutting-edge technology, including AI and text-to-speech, to ensure a more effective remediation experience. In addition to the option of downloading and printing PDFs, this mode provides a read-out-loud feature for articles. Moreover, users can navigate through the reader using the tab key, an intuitive and easy method for disabled individuals.


For over 15 years, InclusiveDocs has been committed to bridging accessibility gaps across various industries and clients. Our platform serves digital publishers, accessibility users, educational institutions, government agencies, and other public entities.

Our mission is to continually improve our platform, with a focus on user experience and accessibility, so that everyone can easily access and use our tools. At InclusiveDocs, we are dedicated to giving a voice to all users and helping them find the perfect solution for their document accessibility needs.

Using InclusiveDocs may seem like a long and complicated process. However, we hope this guide has provided detailed answers to any questions you may have had.

Did this guide help you navigate the platform with ease? Is there anything that you feel needs to be covered? We appreciate you taking the time to read this guide and look forward to discussing further accessibility topics in the future.